The last thirty years have seen the birth of many new nations. Since the end of world war II, many countries which were formely colonies have received their independence, and have rapidly developed their own system of government. The rise of these new powerful nation states such as indonesia,malaysia, and india is one of the most important factors in international relation today.
One of the main problems in international relations is due to the different political systems operating in different parts of the world. While some countries try to force their own political systems on other countries,countries like Indonesia have delveloped democratic political system and shown that these are the best way of achieving national development. Economic progrees is dependent upon good government, a planned economy,and good international relation. International relations make it possible for countriesin the world to solve their problems in cooperation.
No country today is economically independent. The united states is the world’s most powerful industrial nation, but it sells many of its products to the rest of the rest of the world, and it uses raw materials froms other countries to import a great deal of its agriculteral requirements. Japan ,having neither oil nor raw materials,has to import both of these to use to use in its industries. Many countries need not only raw materials and oil from other countries. They need manpower and technological knowledge as well. Foreign,engineers,scientists,industrial and business specialists are needed to help develop the resources of many countries. Skilled labours from korea, thailand,and the philippines are helping with the huge development projects in the middle east. Such internasional cooperation helps develop good internasional relations.
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Senin, 13 Desember 2010
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